Advance Tunnel for the Eglinton Crosstown West extension

Live in Mississauga but dine in Toronto, getting across town 60% faster

A new extension of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, the project will bring the rapid transit line another 9.2 kilometres further west into Mississauga. More passengers and less greenhouse gas emissions for increasingly more sustainable travel.


The multicultural Greater Toronto Area’s transit system is experiencing major growth. One of the main projects underway is the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE), a new rapid transit line that will improve connectivity along a key east-west corridor in Toronto, improving travel towards the west end of the city into nearby Mississauga, Canada’s sixth largest city, thereby improving the quality of life for numerous commuters who travel daily between these two cities overlooking Lake Ontario. The ECWE project is a 9.2-kilometre extension of the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit project. The extension will run from the future Mount Dennis station to Renforth Drive. The system will have connections to several local and regional transit services, including Union Pearson Express and Kitchener GO train lines, GO bus routes, and local TTC and Mississauga MiWay bus services. Plans are also being explored to connect ECWE to Toronto Pearson International Airport. The project considers forecasted population growth in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area population from 7 million to more than 10 million by 2041. By the same year, the extension will see close to 70,000 daily rides and bring 37,500 more people within walking distance to transit.


1. Modal shift from road to rail
2. Reduces annual greenhouse gas emissions up to 5,800 tCO2eq per year
3. Improved transport capacity, supporting GTHA’s population growth
4. Improved quality of life for people commuting between the cities of Toronto and Mississauga


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